Empower, support, advocate.

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Every body is a dancer body

There is not a certain look or body type that a dancer needs to be. Every body is beautiful and every body is a dancer body. For a long time, there have been unrealistic and toxic standards in the dance industry that try to force dancers into boxes. This norm has been detrimental to dancers and their mental and physical health.

It is completely normal for bodies to change and for weight to fluctuate over time. As dancers, we need to nourish and support our bodies. They carry us through our day-to-day lives and we need to find ways to thank and appreciate them. You only have one body, take care of it.


Dance to Heal

Movement and dance can provide so many healing properties for individuals and communities. Our bodies hold our memories, emotions, and experiences. Movement can be a great tool to process and release some of these things. We often get caught up in flashy choreography and tricks on stage. But there is something powerful about being in tune with your body and moving how it wants to.

My Ebook, “Dance to Heal” is the first of many resources I’m developing that are meant to help you tap into movement that aids you in finding reflection, self-care, and healing. It’s full of movement prompts and reflections that can help support you on this journey towards healing.

You are a person before you are an artist

Be kind to yourself